When choosing the items sellers want to present, they should be selective. Sellers should prioritize items by their condition since high-quality antiques and collectibles are more likely to sell quickly. If someone has many items they want to sell, it may make the most sense to split them up into separate lots or distinct online listings.
When someone isn’t sure how to price or value an item, an online consignment shop should easily be able to help. Most shops have a listing format that is easy to follow and intuitive enough to set up an initial appraisal or valuation. However, not every auction house or full-service online consignment shop will personally visit clients to appraise their vintage items and collectibles while also providing packing and transport like Lion & Unicorn.
When selling vintage items, antiques, and high-demand collectibles, patience is critical for sellers who want to find qualified buyers willing to pay exactly what an item is worth. It can sometimes take a while for certain items to sell, even for reasonably priced antiques, but if clients list them through a reputable online consignment shop, they should eventually fetch the desired price. Sellers should remain patient and regularly coordinate with their online consignment shop to ensure collectibles and vintage goods are correctly priced and ready to sell.