For over 30 years we’ve been buyers and sellers of Art, Antiques, and Collectibles. We are a full service auction house located in South Florida, servicing a nationwide audience. Certified appraisals and valuation services. Estate sales and liquidation – nationwide service including pickup, packing and transport.

Offices in Palm Beach, Orlando, Miami and Naples. Main Gallery and Production Studio located in Hollywood, FL.

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You can call us Monday – Friday any time during our office hours of
10AM – 5PM EST at 954.866.8044

Come see us in person

Seeing your object first-hand gives our specialists the best possible opportunity to examine it in detail.
Our offices are located in South Florida – 20 minutes from Miami and minutes from Ft. Lauderdale. You can then telephone or email to make an appointment.

Lion and Unicorn

200 Oakwood Lane, Ste 200

Hollywood,FL 33020